Monday, May 12, 2008

Twittering this week

Sadly, we're away from the comfort of our usual Big Brother den this week. We've taken to Canberra, where our 'real' work has us at Parliament House. Which means very, very long hours with this week of budget joy. Which means workmates want the in-house television for the broadcast of budget announcements from the chamber. Which means they are unlikely to react too kindly to our demands that they turn the television over for Big Brother.

We may work for a Senator from the Australian Greens party, who are notorious for giving nearly anything a hearing at least once, but that doesn't mean they're putting this budget malarkey on hold for the important twittering that needs to take place. Saving the forests... what a waste of priorities.

So, much as it pains us, the twittering may be a little quiet for a bit. We're hoping to at least make it to the hotel in time to twitter Big Mouth tonight, but who knows.


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