Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Naked Photos of Rima...

Yup, this has to be the fastest porn scandal yet for Big Brother. Only a few days in and we're already being told all about the naked photos of tiny housemate Rima Hadchiti.

For those who really want to take a look, here is the link.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Opening Night Roundup

Well, that had to be the longest, least exciting opening night ever. We here at australiatv are less than enthused with the new hosts. At least by the end of seven seasons Gretel could tell when her audience were bored out of their brains.

As for our housemates... after being promised a "different" group this year, it seems that BB's idea of different and ours are... well... different. We're faced with three months of cliches; the old woman, the short woman, the asian, the indigenous australian (although we were pretty stoked to see this inclusion, finally), the cult-escapee, the law student, the peroxide blonde, the country vet, the is-he-isn't-he-not-quite-gay, the tomboy, the UFO believer, the tradie, the big-breasted and the over-achiever. Cliches, one and all, that are unlikely to be unlike previous housemates for the most part, even if they look different.

As for the manufacturing of excitement... will all this fast pace 'snap eviction' business just leave us with more time to be bored when the first fireworks are over?

No prizes for figuring out that our token oldie is most likely to be evicted by the younger group. Anyone willing to take me up on a bet to that effect?

Opening Night

Well, here we go. Our first chance to meet housemates, get to know the faces that we'll be stuck with over the next few months and see just how these new hosts plan to operate.

We recommend tuning in to our twittercast, of course, but you should also check in on Defamer who are liveblogging the whole affair.

Monday, April 28, 2008

And now, for something completely different

You can find us twittering Big Brother through the whole season! For short, simple updates and live commentary just head over to:

For those unfamiliar with twitter, it's a very simple short messaging service that can be set to update online, to gtalk or even your mobile. Check it out.